ESurf indexed in Scopus

19 Aug 2015

Scopus has completed its evaluation of Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf) and announced that it will include the journal in its database.

This is great news and reflects the enormous amount of work by the editorial board and, more importantly, the confidence of the scientific community, whose members submit their top-quality articles to ESurf.

Please note that it may take several weeks or even months until Scopus has processed all XML metadata following the data transfer from Copernicus Publications.

We are very happy that ESurf will be represented in another major scientific database soon, and we would like to thank all who contribute to the success of ESurf.

The ESurf editors Tom Coulthard, Jérôme Gaillardet, Frédéric Herman, Niels Hovius, Douglas Jerolmack & Andreas Lang